Repository maintenance preparing for decentralised workflow
Chringo opened this issue · comments
With this issue, a project page called "Task board" has been introduced. Its' purpose is to list tasks created via issues or simple notes created directly on the project page. Notes should be created at minimum and only for very minor tasks.
The course has ended and the semester is nearing its' last days. This means that nearly everything will be done digitally on our Discord channel and here. This is the "decentralised workflow" which the git repository must be enabled for, hence, the new project page and the future tasks created on it. Please put your issues on it accordingly, making them public. Perhaps there are others that would like to aid you?
If you have any suggestions or would like to discuss the task board or the future working process for this repository, feel free to add a comment here or on Discord.
In any case, this is our legacy of SSP which I believe will grow slowly but steady with time. Good luck with your careers!
Some things this repo will see in the near future:
- Assets added as a subrepo
- The start of a wiki
- A Readme-file