ChengruZhu / Saliency-Benchmark-Frequency

State-of-the-art Spectral Saliency Detection Models on state-of-the-art Datasets.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


State-of-the-art Spectral Saliency Detection Models on state-of-the-art Datasets.


  1. In Datasets/GroundTruth/ and Datasets/Images/, I only put two example images in each dataset folder. If you want to test on the real datasets, you need to replace them.
  2. Run ./SaliencyBenchmark.m to generate saliency maps for all the models on all the datasets, the results are saved in ./SaliencyMaps/.
  3. Run ./benchPR.m to save Precision and Recall results in ./Results/pr/.
  4. Run ./benchPRF.m to save Precision, Recall and F-measure results in ./Results/prf/.
  5. Run ./drawPR.m to show pr curves on all the datasets.
  6. Run ./drawPRF.m to show histogram of Precision, Recall and F-measure results on all the datasets.


State-of-the-art Spectral Saliency Detection Models on state-of-the-art Datasets.


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