ChenYilong / CYLTabBarController

[EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie, and adding a bigger center UITabBar Item. [CN]【**特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式,自带红点角标,支持动态刷新。【iOS13 & Dark Mode & iPhone XS MAX supported】

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使用 CYLTabBarController 做的 APP,来这里报道下吧!

ChenYilong opened this issue · comments

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说明: 使用了本库的 APP ,最终是否会展示在本 GitHub 说明页面,这完全取决于你.本页面收集的信息,来自开发者自愿在本issue中或微信等社交媒体里提交给我的信息。并没有强制要求, 欢迎使用, 一切以本仓库使用的 MIT开源协议 为准。

慧诊健康 By Huizhen (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.


APP name link icon image note
海底捞 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
C家 App Store Link enter image description here Lottie 效果
淘必中-淘宝推出的一款具有营销购物功能的APP App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
慧诊健康 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
究竟大学 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
蕉片 - 短视频拍摄剪辑出电影大片 App Store Link enter image description here
闪剧 - 可以玩的短视频 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
土狗云商城 App Store Link enter image description here App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
美膳校园 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
全聚星 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
Yesoul App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
贵州充电通 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
卓尔购 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here //TODO:
卓越管家 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
悦守护 App Store Link
筑集采采购端 App Store Link enter image description here
筑集采供应端 App Store Link enter image description here
桂富宝 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
小猪奔奔 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
更多APP请访问 《使用 CYLTabBarController 做的 APP,来这里报道下吧》 如果你正在使用也请提交到这里 《使用 CYLTabBarController 做的 APP,来这里报道下吧》


APP name link icon image APP name link icon image
海底捞 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here C家 App Store Link enter image description here Lottie 效果
淘必中 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here 慧诊健康 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
究竟大学 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here 蕉片 - 短视频拍摄剪辑出电影大片 App Store Link enter image description here
闪剧 - 可以玩的短视频 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here 土狗云商城 App Store Link enter image description here App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here 美膳校园 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
全聚星 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here Yesoul App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
贵州充电通 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here 卓尔购 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
卓越管家 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here 悦守护 App Store Link
筑集采采购端 App Store Link enter image description here 筑集采供应端 App Store Link enter image description here
桂富宝 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here 小猪奔奔 App Store Link enter image description here enter image description here
娃娃坞(开发中) 更多APP请访问 《使用 CYLTabBarController 做的 APP,来这里报道下吧》 如果你正在使用也请提交到这里 《使用 CYLTabBarController 做的 APP,来这里报道下吧》

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Fostha Parent by Zhuhai Fostha Education Technology Co.,Ltd Nslog-福世达-珠海iOS


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