Checkmk / grafana-checkmk-datasource

CheckMK data source for Grafana

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

null value and lines connections

haytxy opened this issue · comments


"Connect null values" option in Grafana panel settings, won't work if there is no data pulled from the check_mk source. At the end, all points are connected.
like on this graf. Query interval is on 60s like in check_mk (enterprice version).

Tested also the Connect null values/Threshold with <2m settings and nothing has changed



the goal is to have such graf

Is it possible to go around with such a problem?
Maybe I missed some settings?

Grafana v8.0.4 (81fef5b4b4)
Checkmk enterprice 1.6.0p19


Hello :
Same problem here

For me the reason is because the Checkmk data source dont' have "Fill" option, like Fill:Null, Fill:zero or other.

We have this option in PNP datasource, InfluxDB datasource ...

Thank you.

Sorry for the late reply: Your issue should be solved for the new grafana data source plugin. You will see gaps in grafana if you see gaps in checkmk.
The gaps in checkmk are defined by an internal threshold of 141minutes: If there is no fresh data for that duration, a gap will be assumed, otherwise the dots will be connected. In your screenshot the gap is about 3 hours long, so with version 2 of the grafana data source there should be a gap in grafana.