Checkmk / grafana-checkmk-datasource

CheckMK data source for Grafana

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Not working with grafana 9.5.2

Bixilon opened this issue · comments

I run the current version of grafana (version 9.5.2) on arm64. I installed the latest version (3.0.1-alpha1; also tried 3.0.0) by unzipping the release files and copying them to /var/lib/grafana/plugins/.

It works, the plugin gets loaded, but grafana crashes pretty fast when adding a new datasource (An unexpected error happened):

act-dom.production.min.js:216 Error: Minified React error #185; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
    at Wl (react-dom.production.min.js:237:48)
    at ec (react-dom.production.min.js:170:408)
    at index-a86253bb.esm.js:677:7
    at je (floating-ui.dom.browser.min.mjs:1:6624)
    at index-a86253bb.esm.js:692:28
    at index-a86253bb.esm.js:702:5
    at Rd (react-dom.production.min.js:259:307)
    at g.unstable_runWithPriority (scheduler.production.min.js:18:343)
    at nu (react-dom.production.min.js:122:325)
    at lc (react-dom.production.min.js:252:279)

It worked after I tried it several times. Now I added the data source, but it keeps crashing:


Did I something wrong?

Hope for your help



Doesn't seem to me like you did something wrong, but sadly, neither can I reproduce your issue on my development machine.

Could it be that you are upgrading from an older release? If so, could you show me a how the older version was configured?

No, grafana is a fresh instance, running on a raspberry pi.

Edit: It is just crashing when clicking on a dropdown (still not usable as data source)

I also looked into that, and can not reproduce this.

Can you describe what you do to see the first error message? (There are multiple ways to add a new data source)
Which browser and operating system do you use?
Have you tried to add another data source plugin? Are they able to show the first dialog?
Can you try to access the page from another computer/browser?
Can you try to install grafana on another computer?

I am going to Connections -> search of checkmk -> blue button Create new datasource

Then the form does not load, after reloading the page the edit menu shows properly.

It crashes as soon as I click on any dropdow menu.

Interestingly, there is an 404 request to

Even more interstingly: It also crashes when adding an InfluxDB data source, thats "a good thing". Did not try that on this grafana instance before. I guess I will reach out to grafana devs…

Hi @Bixilon,
did you got any response from the Grafana devs?

They actually closed the issue ("its checkmks problem"), which is simply stupid. I opened another one, but no response yet: grafana/grafana#69324

Maybe it's helpful if you're also mentioning influxdb. Did you encounter the problem on any other integration (except Checkmk and influxdb)?

Its not about influx db or any data source. It is a generic bug - grafana crashes when clicking on a dropdown