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Gables/CTSkotOS WOE Object Update

noahgibbs opened this issue · comments

I'm looking through a dump from the prod Gables server and the WOE directory from ChatTheatre/SkotOS and bringing the latter up-to-date where appropriate. Some notes, some of which are future work:

  • The prod Gables server actually has some very old objects in it for no obvious reason - it's missing some surprisingly old changes. Based on revisions it doesn't seem to be that changes happened and were reverted. CTSkotOS just has newer/better versions of a lot of fundamental objects like UrHuman.
  • The NIP systems are different. I think prod Gables has the better/newer NIP system, but that's going to be involved to update it properly. The NIP WOE namespace has some updates, but I don't think that's a big part of the update.
  • Prod Gables uses S7-Generic versions of all the clothing while CTSkotOS uses the Shared versions. I think that's fine. I'm not going to update all the clothing because I think clothing and UrBodies are both places where these will be split out into various libraries sooner rather than later.
  • Prod Gables has some oddities where there's a DevilsCay directory, and objects there are used by Staff objects, which in turn are inherited by other objects in the world... While, for whatever reason, CTSkotOS doesn't seem to have that setup, or anything under a DevilsCay namespace. Not sure if that's the different source WOE dumps that they started from... I don't think Shentino just untangled it all.
  • There's also a Regent directory in Prod Gables that looks like a partial dump from another game.
  • While CTSkotOS has no DevilsCay directory, it has a Mortalis directory with no equivalent in prod Gables. So: looks like they're of different heritage, not just different age.
  • Prod Gables has an HQ directory with directories named SyncApproved and SyncDeclined. I can't tell if those are automated (sync failed) or, more likely, they're full of objects that were approved or declined to be moved over to the Gables. Both subdirectories are further subdivided by source SkotOS game (lcabn, marrach, mortalis, ironclaw, etc.)
  • There's also a PROPOSAL directory in prod Gables with some socials (verbs, adverbs) and accessories.
  • It turns out that the various MOVED directories is done by some kind of automatic SID archiving. See parse_archives in skoot/usr/SID/lib/vaultnode.c for details. There's only been one moved item since 2011, though (a simple belt,) so it could be worse. I can't tell what calls parse_archives, thus generating MOVED items. A lot of prod-Gables items have MOVED parents, though, when equivalent CTSkotOS items do not.
  • The TextIF WOE directories have different colour themes between the two. I don't feel like that particularly needs to be moved over, though it wouldn't be hard to do.
  • Prod gables has basically a copy of a lot of Mansion rooms and things under the name LinkZone. I assume somebody was copying it to make changes and just kinda left it to sit around? I don't see anything else using it. I'm not merging it.

I'll keep editing this as I go along.