Charca / sapper-blog-template

Markdown-based Blog Built with Sapper

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How to list the latest blogs on the homepage?

justinekizhak opened this issue · comments

Hey, I'm using your template to build a blog. Hope it's fine by you?

The index page for the "blog" lists all the blogs. How can I list the latest 3 blogs on the homepage itself?
Something like "Read my latest blog" and display the latest blogs on the homepage itself.

I saw in blog/index.svelte that it fetches a blog.json and renders it for the blog index, but the same code doesn't seem to work when I do it in the main index.svelte.

Hey @justinekizhak. That same code should work in index.svelte, if you get a "cannot find property length of undefined" error message, try restarting the dev server and you should see the list of blog posts in the index.

Hey, @Charca restarting the server got it working inside index.svelte, but for maintenance, I had refactored all the HTML and its CSS into a separate component at src/components/content.svelte and that is what right now is imported into index.svelte and it's not working.

I tried "console logging" the module

<script context="module">
 export function preload({ params, query }) {
    return this.fetch('blog.json').then(r => r.json()).then(blogs => {
	return { blogs };

but I'm only getting "content.svelte" output.
I tried changing the path of blog.json, I tried ../routes/blog.json.

And I got the error <content> was created without expected prop 'blogs'.


Is there a way to refer to an image in the front-matter of a post, and then reference it for either the post header or as thumbnail etc in the list of articles?


@MattHeslington to make a front-matter attribute available in your list of articles, you need to add the attribute to the contents object returned in index.json.js:

And you'd also need to return that same attribute from the object in _posts.js:

Hey @Charca, thanks for getting back to me! How should the image be defined in _posts.js, please?

Hey @MattHeslington, the changes you should make to support this are:

  1. Add the image attribute in the front-matter section of your markdown blog post. For example:
title: Hello World 👋
date: "2019-06-11T08:38:00.000Z"
image_url: /path/to/image.png
  1. In _posts.js, grab the image_url attribute from the data object on line 45:
const { title, date, image_url } = data

... and add it to the returned object on line 61:

return {
    title: title || slug,
  1. In index.json.js add image_url to the returned object on line 4:
return {
    title: post.title,
    slug: post.slug,
    image_url: post.image_url,
  1. In your index.svelte component you should be able to use the image_url of each post, like:
<img src={post.image_url} alt={post.title} />

Hello @Charca that works brilliantly, thank you for your help!