ChangoMan / web3modal-example

Example using web3modal and Next.js


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web3Modal works Fine on localhost:4200 but fail connecting to mobile wallet when deployed to online server.

juventusjude opened this issue · comments

I am developing an Dapp on angular .
When I connect to metamask using web3modal, it works fine both in development and production.
When I connect to trustwallet or mobile metamask(browser) and metamask (mobile) it works fine in development.
connecting to trustwallet or metamask (mobile) fails in production( ie deployed to server), On scanning the QR code , it will show a blank space on trustwallet then return to settings, on metamask(mobile) no action is seen after scanning.

Web3Modal walletconnect works when connecting from localhost:4200 in all wallet using QR code
Web3Modal walletconnect fails when connecting from an online server -->

I really don't know What I am doing wrong. I cannot detect why all wallet connections are fine on localhost, but fail on production (online server).

Hmm @juventusjude can you try updating the dependencies and trying again? I know that has fixed it for people in the past.

I am having same issue