Add report of successful and unsuccessful imports to Chami web GUI
branchedelac opened this issue · comments
We're gonna start this off by adding some logstash logging.
The report should tell us when records are successfully added/updated, when they fail. When an instance fails to add/update, the ID of that instance should be given. The report should be easy to read for non-programmers.
The following things should be be considered errors/anomalies that need to be communicated:
Failure to get a response from Libris -- if the first request fails, is there a retry? How many retry's before error?
Libris responds with a success code but request "times out" and no records are returned. When does Chami time out? Why? Does server go down/change IP? How do we identify this error?
Failure to get a response from FOLIO -- if the first request fails, is there a retry? How many retry's before error? Or does Chami move on to the next record?
Failure to post record(s) to FOLIO -- we should get an error code from the API (need to decide which range of status codes are should be considered errors), and possibly some information in the response body.
Transformation error -- eg a record does not contain a mapped, mandatory field (are any elements required in Chami, or do we leave that check to FOLIO?)
(Libris ID matches for more than one record in FOLIO -- find out how nightly batch update would react to this? Have we cleaned up duplicate records?)
Not an error but valuable info:
- Libris responds successfully but the response contains no records, an empty "collection"
2019-09-28 03:15:00: Scheduled.
3 new instances successfully added to FOLIO.
15 existing FOLIO instances updated.
2019-09-29 03:15:00: Scheduled.
1 new instance failed to be added to FOLIO: 6phfjxsj5hhlf8m
3 existing FOLIO instances failed to be updated: 6phfjxsfsekuhlf8m, 9phfjxsjkli348s, 4phsjdsj5hhlf8y
2019-09-28 03:15:00: Scheduled.
No new or updated records in Libris.
2019-09-29 13:22:19: Manual.
1 new instance successfully added to FOLIO.
2019-09-29 13:27:01: Manual.
1 new instance successfully added to FOLIO.
2019-09-23 13:29:33: Manual.
1 new instance failed to be added to FOLIO: 6phfjxsj5hhlf8m