ChallenHB / OctoSlam


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This package does not appear to function?

dawonn opened this issue · comments

After getting the launch file to work, it appears that the OctoSlam node doesn't use it at all! ;)

First, the OctoSLAM node subscribes to a laserscan topic, but doesn't publish anything at all.

Second, it crashes immediately once fed with a laserscan topic:
ERROR: Error in search: [(-5.2293 -7.46821 0)] is out of OcTree bounds!
ERROR: Error in search: [(-nan -nan -nan)] is out of OcTree bounds!
Segmentation fault

After looking the git repo history, it would appear that this not the same software that was used in OctoSLAM: A 3D Mapping Approach to Situational Awareness of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. I wish you luck in finishing this package, it looks promising!

Hi @dawonn

After looking the git repo history, it would appear that this not the same software that was used in OctoSLAM: A 3D Mapping Approach to Situational Awareness of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

Did you ever manage to find the real deal? I recently read this exact paper and am looking for the OctoSLAM the authers used. But this git is the only thing i was able to find so far.

Kind regards,

nope! I ended up going another route. Best of luck!

Ah ok. That's too bad. This SLAM approach looked interesting.
Thank you for the response.