chalkpe / ffxiv-twitter-location

Update the location of your Twitter profile same as FFXIV

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Update the location of your Twitter profile same as FFXIV

How to build

Twitter API credentials

  1. Create your own Twitter app
  2. Permissions → Edit access permission to Read and write
  3. Keys and tokens → Copy consumer API keys and access tokens

OverlayPlugin without CORS

  1. Clone OverlayPlugin repository
  2. Edit HtmlRenderer/Renderer.cs
public static void Initialize(...)
  // Disable browser CORS. I know what I'm doing...
  cefSettings.CefCommandLineArgs["disable-web-security"] = "1";
  1. Run ./tools/
  2. Run ./build.bat
  3. Add ./out/Release/OverlayPlugin.dll to ACT plugins

Place names

  1. Start SaintCoinach.Cmd → execute exd command
  2. Run script in SaintCoinach.Cmd/[FFXIV_VERSION]/exd directory → build PlaceName.json
import fs from 'fs'

const data = Object.fromEntries(fs
  .readFileSync('./TerritoryType.csv', 'utf-8')
  .split('\n').map(line => line.split(',')).slice(3)
  .map(v => [parseInt(v[0]).toString(16), eval(v[6])]))

fs.writeFileSync('./PlaceName.json', JSON.stringify(data), 'utf-8')


  1. Clone ffxiv-twitter-location
  2. Run yarn install
  3. Copy PlaceName.json to ./src directory
  4. Create ./.env and set environment variables
    • CONSUMER_KEY= Consumer API key
    • CONSUMER_SECRET= Consumer API secret key
    • ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY= Access token
    • ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET= Access token secret
  5. Run yarn build
  6. Add custom MiniParse overlay to ACT OverlayPlugin
  7. Set URL to file:///[OVERLAY_PROJECT_DIRECTORY]/dist/index.html




Update the location of your Twitter profile same as FFXIV

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 75.2%Language:HTML 24.8%