Chalarangelo / unscrape

A simple image scraper.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

API and site terms

lukechesser opened this issue · comments

Hey folks.

We've been encountering issues with a lot of bots using this to scrape Unsplash and use the photos, which unfortunately is against the terms and the license of Unsplash.

We make all of the images available via the API so that developers can build with the library in a way that's consistent with our contributor's wishes. I'd ask that out of respect for their contributions that you remove this repo from Github. While we love seeing people build things with Unsplash, we have a better and more scalable way for people to build with Unsplash via the API that aligns with the motivations of our community.

Thanks @Chalarangelo.

Hello @lukechesser.

This was originally a tutorial on how to use Python for scraping and is not used in production as far as I know. I will deal with the issue as soon as possible, just give me some time to figure out the best solution for this issue.

As of now, I have removed all the URLs from the code and even updated the README to state that this project should not be executed in any case. Is that clear enough @lukechesser ? If so, I think I will go ahead and archive the project so that it cannot be altered any further.

Hey @Chalarangelo great thank you, that works. Appreciate your help on this 👍