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Create Encryption/Decryption CAIP for Wallet Clients

bmann opened this issue · comments

From discussions at CASA Berlin, MetaMask is deprecating eth encrypt / decrypt

More generally, as a CAIP, we believe it would be useful to document a secure way for blockchain key material to be used for encryption and decryption.

This is sort of a CAIP-25 method, but is very much not chain specific as it can be accomplished with just wallet client interaction, without having to connect to an online blockchain.

This is issue is an "intent to write a CAIP". If you are interested in participating in the process, please leave a comment as we organize calls and a working group.

Brave is definitely interested in this topic. I think deprecating the original APIs was a good idea for this and I'll definitely be assisting with this. Happy to help as an editor for a spec on this topic as well. Note, there's been some good on going discussions here as well:

Note I'm based in the unholy timezone for WG calls (New Zealand), so if we do use calls/WG to move this forward (+1 to this IMO) can we do a split timezone approach where we do alternate between APAC and US/EU calls?

Nods in European

A number of us (@bumblefudge, @expede, @depatchedmode, me) will be in Lisbon and we're likely to have a discussion around this.

I (@skgbafa) will also be in attendance and would love to join on this topic! I'm currently at @spruceid will be representing them

@bmann please let us know when and where you will be meeting to chat about this :)

@oed @skgbafa @bumblefudge Here's a proposed time & location for an in-person in Lisbon next week. Will this work for everyone?

@kdenhartog any chance you're in Lisbon next week as well?

@depatchedmode kyle won't be in lisbon but he will be on Wednesday's Browser Security monthly call! It might spill over into another call after that, but it felt like the best place to start, with the security gurus making a list of all the attack vectors to consider when specifying this kinda stuff :D

Sounds great. Talk to you all on Wednesday!