CesiumGS / gltf-pipeline

Content pipeline tools for optimizing glTF assets. :globe_with_meridians:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Meshes are corrupted

schwarzsky opened this issue · comments

As you can see, you can saw the back of the meshes. This is not supposed to be happen. Any idea? Tried lowering compressionSize.

@schwarzsky could you post the full command? Is this just a problem with Draco compression?

Also if you can post the original glTF that would be helpful too

First used npx gltf-pipeline -i SnowyTerrain.glb -d --draco.compressionLevel 10 -o Snowy.glb
Then downed scale to 10 to 1.

I don't own the builds its not right to post GLB file but if you want it anyway i can get permission i think.

Also yes, this is a problem with Draco compression. Before compression model looks quite right. @lilleyse

A couple more options you could try:

  • --draco.unifiedQuantization - this will compress all primitives using the same quantization grid. Depending on how large the scene is this could actually lead to worse results. But worth trying to narrow down the bug.
  • --draco.quantizePositionBits - default is 11, keep using higher values up to 16 or so and see if it makes a difference

Just used --draco.unifiedQuantization and solved the issue. Thanks!