CesiumGS / gltf-pipeline

Content pipeline tools for optimizing glTF assets. :globe_with_meridians:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Im using gltf-pipline after getting a gltf buffer from threejs-node-exporter but no compression is done.

ylin6 opened this issue · comments

I'm exporting a model from ThreeJS in node using https://www.npmjs.com/package/@injectit/threejs-nodejs-exporters

and then running that through gltf-pipeline in node. However, I am not seeing a decrease in size from the outputted file and the stats log:

Statistics after:
Total byte length of all buffers: 0 bytes
Images: 0
Draw calls: 0
Rendered primitives (e.g., triangles): 0
Nodes: 0
Meshes: 0
Materials: 0
Animations: 0
External requests (not data uris): 0

However, if I save the output from threejs-nodejs-exporter and run that saved file with the gltf-pipeline cli tool, i get a much smaller file.

These are the options im passing in:

          const options = {
            dracoOptions: {
              compressionLevel: 7,
            stats: true,

Any ideas why?

Ahhhh, solutions was calling JSON.parse on the output, which is a buffer, of threejs-nodejs-exporters