CesiumGS / cesium-native

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Crash loading implicit tileset

j9liu opened this issue · comments

Adding asset 2325107 from the CesiumJS ion account results in a crash in Unreal Engine. Every time it crashes, it is on a different line, but it always seems to involve a callstack related to Cesium Native:


In particular, the crashes are happening in Cesium3DTilesReader::SubtreeReader::readFromJson.

I believe it has to do with the Native changes. I produced this crash on Cesium for Unreal on the multiple-cesium-ions branch, which uses the changes. However, loading this dataset doesn't crash Cesium for Unity, which hasn't been updated for Cesium Native.

This fixes the crash for me

--------------- Cesium3DTilesContent/src/SubtreeAvailability.cpp ---------------
index da2504b0..7c880821 100644
@@ -142,18 +142,18 @@ SubtreeAvailability::loadSubtree(
     ImplicitTileSubdivisionScheme subdivisionScheme,
     uint32_t levelsInSubtree,
     const CesiumAsync::AsyncSystem& asyncSystem,
     const std::shared_ptr<CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor>& pAssetAccessor,
     const std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger>& pLogger,
     const std::string& subtreeUrl,
     const std::vector<CesiumAsync::IAssetAccessor::THeader>& requestHeaders) {
-  SubtreeFileReader reader;
-  return reader.load(asyncSystem, pAssetAccessor, subtreeUrl, requestHeaders)
+  auto reader = std::make_shared<SubtreeFileReader>();
+  return reader->load(asyncSystem, pAssetAccessor, subtreeUrl, requestHeaders)
-          [pLogger, subtreeUrl, subdivisionScheme, levelsInSubtree](
+              [pLogger, subtreeUrl, subdivisionScheme, levelsInSubtree, reader](
               ReadJsonResult<Subtree>&& subtree)
               -> std::optional<SubtreeAvailability> {
             if (!subtree.value) {
               if (!subtree.errors.empty()) {
                     "Errors while loading subtree from {}:\n- {}",

Makes sense to me @pjanetzek!

Thanks @pjanetzek ! Would you be able to open a PR with the fix?

Hey @j9liu does the implicit_quadtree now work for you with Unreal? I ask because I'm investigating a tile loading issue where Cesium is embedded in our enginge in a more complicated fashion - and since updating from 0.25 to 0.30 the subtrees TileLoadResultState is never set to Success..

Right now I'm looking at https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-native/blob/main/Cesium3DTilesContent/src/SubtreeAvailability.cpp#L99
it seems contentAvailability is not parsed correctly from this json, therefore exiting the function on line 99.

  "tileAvailability": {
    "constant": 1
  "contentAvailability": {
    "constant": 1
  "childSubtreeAvailability": {
    "constant": 0

Sorry the problem was on my side, as it appears contentAvailability must be an array now