CelestialCartographers / Ahorn

Visual Map Maker and Level Editor for the game Celeste

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Julia install from ahorn.bat fails when installing to a directory such as Program Files.

samuel-zuk opened this issue · comments

Was recently trying to install Ahorn and needed to install Julia as a prereq, but when attempting to install to the Program Files directory in my D: drive, permission was denied, since the installer wasn't started with Admin privileges. I fixed this on my end by changing line 176 of the batch file from
start /wait "" "%~dp0%julia_filename%" to
powershell -Command "Start-Process '%~dp0%julia_filename%' -Verb RunAs -Wait"

Worked for me, but wasn't sure how y'all would want to handle this. Don't know if I'm the first to run into this issue or if this intended behavior, but wanted to make it known regardless.


That sounds like your normal Windows permission issue with C:/ or Program Files to me. I don't see how using Powershell instead does anything to work around that. Got any documentation on why that has more permissions, or did you just end up running it as Admin?

The -Verb RunAs section of the command elevates the downloaded Julia installer to have Admin privileges. I used the "powershell -Command" way of doing it just because I couldn't find a way to do it with the "start" command.


Personally not a fan of that, we have had plenty of problems with users installing with admin permissions. The program does in no way shape or form require admin rights in the first place.

Understandable. I just wanted to have it documented, since because I did want to install Julia as admin and since the install script deletes the downloaded Julia installer immediately after exiting, I had to download it manually. (perhaps printing a DL link to the terminal for copy/pasting or adding the choice to save the installer to same directory as the script could be useful?)

you don't need admin rights, as noted by the team, the program install itself into your user folder and thus those rights aren't needed.
manual installation is very easy, you install Julia latest version, and download install_ahorn.jl file from the main page.
then drag and drop this file onto Julia shortcut in the program's folder.
Ahorn will be installed then without any problems.