CelestialCartographers / Ahorn

Visual Map Maker and Level Editor for the game Celeste

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Ahorn fails to build on macOS from Julia failing to get pangocairo and gtk dependencies

CelestialAmber opened this issue · comments

Here are the error outputs:

=========================================[ ERROR: Cairo ]=========================================

LoadError: Provider Homebrew.HB failed to satisfy dependency pangocairo
while loading /Users/thatrs/.julia/v0.6/Cairo/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 161


==========================================[ ERROR: Gtk ]==========================================

LoadError: Provider Homebrew.HB failed to satisfy dependency gtk
while loading /Users/thatrs/.julia/v0.6/Gtk/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 63


From @Cruor

Try reinstalling Cairo and Gtk. From the Julia console:

using Homebrew



When I try to install Gtk after installing Homebrew, it gives an error saying that the gtk formula is missing from the taps folder.

ERROR: SystemError: opening file /Users/thatrs/.julia/v0.6/Homebrew/deps/usr/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/Gtk.rb: No such file or directory

I also tried using the latest version of Julia (0.7.0) but it still gives the same dependency errors and the same missing formula error when trying to install or reinstall Gtk.

I was able to build Cairo after manually installing pango with homebrew before deleting the julia files and restarting the installation file, but the gtk formula was still missing.

Ahorn won't work on Julia 0.7, that version is not released yet. You'll have to revert to Julia 0.6.
Could you try manually installing gtk? The package/formula should be called gtk+3.

using Homebrew


It still gave the same error as before on Julia 0.6.

This seems like a Homebrew bug. Try

brew update

, that may fix it. Also try (re)installing Homebrew (from brew.sh).

Also, just making sure: you typed

using Homebrew

exactly, right? Not Homebrew.add("Gtk+3") or Homebrew.add("Gtk")?

@Vexatos This issue hasn't been updated in a while, and will likely be fixed in the next version with the removal of BinDeps. Can you close it?