Casecommons / pg_search

pg_search builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL’s full text search

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Filtering Multi-search Results

bradbajuz opened this issue · comments

I'm moving from using search scopes to multi-search because of performance issue when searching associations.

I have a search bar and and 3 optional filters to filter the results. The 3 filters are scopes that use joins for the association.

For example:

scope :filter_by_office_user, ->(office_user) { left_outer_joins(:office).where(office: { user_assigned: office_user }) }
scope :filter_by_office_territory, ->(office_territory) { left_outer_joins(:office).where(office: { territory: office_territory }) }
scope :filter_by_office_speciality, ->(office_speciality) { left_outer_joins(:office).where(office: { speciality: office_speciality }) }

The search uses a scope as well:

scope :filter_by_search, ->(search) { PgSearch.multisearch(search) }

Here is the physician controller search action:

@physicians = Physician.where(nil)
filtering_params(params).each do |key, value|
  @physicians = @physicians.public_send("filter_by_#{key}", value) if value.present?
@pagy, @physicians = pagy(@physicians, items: 10, link_extra: 'data-remote="true"')

I'm under the impression that since I'm now using the search document table, I can now simplify my scopes to only search within the search document table and I don't need to use joins anymore.

I've built my search document to include results from my association.

The issues I've ran into:

Leaving the search blank/empty, won't return all results and instead throws:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method 'searchable'

Changing my scopes to use PgSearch.multisearch

scope :filter_by_office_user, ->(office_user) { PgSearch.multisearch(office_user) }

This does work by itself but I can't chain to further filter the results.
For example, if I filter by office_user and then territory, I end up getting this error:

NoMethodError (undefined method `filter_by_office_territory'

I'd be grateful on any help figuring a better approach to filtering results.