Canop / deser-hjson

A Serde 1.0 compatible Rust deserializer for Hjson

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Booleans can't have preceding whitespace

Friendly-Banana opened this issue · comments

According to the HJSON syntax

Preceding and trailing whitespace is ignored

let ping: bool = deser_hjson::from_str(r#"ping: true"#).unwrap();

fails with Syntax { line: 1, col: 1, code: ExpectedBoolean, at: "ping: true" }. Run on Playground

let ping: bool = deser_hjson::from_str(r#"ping:true"#).unwrap();

works as expected

There's a bug, but your test case is weird: r#"ping: true"# shouldn't deserialize into a bool but into either a HashMap<String, bool> or a struct like this:

struct Bool {
        ping: bool,

Thanks for the report!

BTW many people may have missed it (me included) because it doesn't happen when you use eg an Option<bool> instead of a bool, and an Option<bool> is more often the best solution for configuration.

You're right, this is part of a struct, I just took this for a minimal example.
I use serde default, so the config is optional, I just like that way better.
Thanks for the quick fix!

I use serde default, so the config is optional, I just like that way better.

It totally depends on your use case, of course, but the downside of using serde default is that you don't know when the user explicitly sets a value. This matters when you have several configuration sources allowing overriding.