Canop / deser-hjson

A Serde 1.0 compatible Rust deserializer for Hjson

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Doesnt allow toplevel arrays

bend-n opened this issue · comments



Syntax { line: 1, col: 1, code: UnexpectedChar, at: "[]" }

How exactly do you test ?

This works:

let arr: Vec<u8> = deser_hjson::from_str("[]").unwrap();
assert_eq!(arr, vec![]);

Can you please write a reproducible test ?


So turns out I was trying to parse

[abc, def, hjk]

then did not realize that this was invalid hjson, then tried to find a issue, and deserialized a list into a object.

Hm. In fact I don't see in the Hjson spec anything preventing [abc, def, hjk] from being valid.
I'll have a look at quoteless strings in arrays.


I would love if that was possible; but it would technically be diverging from the hjson spec, which says quoteless strings carry on until the next line.

So [string] is invalid, as is {string: string}

Although the hjson does forbid {} in quoteless strings anyways, so maybe you dont break anything by supporting this, just make it a little more convenient.

Yes, reading the spec again, I see it's explicitely forbidden.
As they can't contain any of {}[],:, I don't see any reason.
I'll probably try to see if that would break anything, and maybe define a feature for a strict mode.


That would be lovely!

If I say that a string value in an array (if not at the start of the line) may be quoteless but stops at the first comma, ']' or LF, then we can have [abc, def, hjk].

But there's a problem.

Some Hjson which was valid before, starts to be either invalid or to have another meaning.

See this exemple, valid with the official Hjson specification and the released deser_hjson:

    let arr: Vec<String> = deser_hjson::from_str(r#"
        [a, 3]
    assert_eq!(arr, vec!["a, 3]"]);

According to the spec, the first element is recognized as a quoteless string. Which means it goes till the LF.
So the first and only element of the array is "a, 3]"...

IMO the Hjson specification isn't good there, but departing from it without an official change would break too much.