CamHenlin / iMessageWebClient

send and receive iMessages on anything with a web browser

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Issue during install

jmontalbo89 opened this issue · comments

During server setup, after using "sudo npm start" command, this error.


I can absolutely send the log file if necessary, just let me know.

Currently installed on a fresh Mac OS X 10.8 vm install, with literally only xcode/commandline tools/node.js installed

Thanks for all your hard work!

Does /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MessagesKit.framework exist on your computer?

Also, iMessages in general do not work well on VMs or Hackintoshes in my experience. VMs will get themselves and their host computer blacklisted from iCloud services for about a week at a time, so be warned...

Also just came across this error; fresh install of node.js and running 10.10.4 OSX on an actual Mac. I also verified I have the MessagesKit.framework

Hi @Geosef, could you post your console output of the error, or is it identical to the error in @jmontalbo89's log?

It's identical. Thanks for looking into this!

I spent some more time trying to reproduce this issue this evening and am still scratching my head, wondering if I could get some more info from @Geosef or @jmontalbo89. I was hoping I could get the following:

  • What shows up inside of the MessagesKit.framework for you? So, in, run: ls -l /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MessagesKit.framework/
    For example, I get:
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   28 Jan 10  2015 MessagesKit -> Versions/Current/MessagesKit
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   26 Jan 10  2015 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel  136 Jan 10  2015 Versions
drwxr-xr-x  5 root  wheel  170 Sep 16  2014 XPCServices
  • Are you able to send Messages via manually?
  • What is the user level of the user you are trying to run as? Admin, Standard, Managed, or Sharing Only?
