CUNY-CL / wikipron

Massively multilingual pronunciation mining

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`data` package installed

kylebgorman opened this issue · comments

Because of this line we are installing the data module as a package called data. Problems with this:

  • this is a bit of a generic name for a package!
  • constants like this one no longer work: they refer to .json files that aren't installed

When I did #479, I was on the fence about whether to move the wikipron package under src/, which is something I've already done for all other projects I maintain (in which case we'd have where = [ "src" ] for the line you've singled out). I didn't do it in order not to accidentally break things that I might not be aware of, but I guess it's time to reconsider this...

@jacksonllee I like that idea, will assign this to myself and do now.