CTCaer / hekate

hekate - A GUI based Nintendo Switch Bootloader

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Hekate won't load on Switch lite and adds a weird display issue

ArvsAndCarbs opened this issue · comments

Upon updating to 6.2.0, hekate stop loading properly if at all. It also introduced LCD artifact the resembles vignette effect or old gameboy screen effect on NO SD screen and faintly but visible on OFW.

Same setup worked on V2 unit.
I'm using 6.1.1 on 18.1 lite and it seems fine

NO SD screen is not a hekate thing.
If you are using some weird sdloader that corrupts the new hekate and can't function, I suggest you to update it.
A hos update always causes it to reset.

Reopen this issue if a proper sdloader still has issues.