CTCaer / hekate

hekate - A GUI based Nintendo Switch Bootloader

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TergraRCMSmash blocked at "uploading payload"

cocorico8 opened this issue · comments

so the log is

.\TegraRcmSmash.exe "C:\Users[REDACTED]\Downloads\hekate_ctcaer_6.2.1.bin"
TegraRcmSmash (32bit) 1.2.1-3 by rajkosto
Opened USB device path \?\usb#vid_0955&pid_7321#5&68c1036&0&9#{14479d02-e340-45b7-93e0-9bf2ed3d75ec}
RCM Device with id 400406060000001046B7416401101062 initialized successfully!
Uploading payload (mezzo size: 92, user size: 109500, total size: 175716, total padded size: 176128)...

It stays stuck like that and it don't work with the GUI either, it crashes. I know that my switch is potentially patched but because it don't go to the point where it says how many byte it's sending i don't know if it is patched or not.