CQUI-Org / cqui

Civilization 6 - Chao's Quick UI. Reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New contributor ramp-up pitfall

zlychaos opened this issue · comments


This seems to be a fun project and I am interested in contributing. But the ramp-up was not so smooth.

I was trying some stuff but I could not get my game to use the downloaded version by copying the repo folder to DLC/. I am using Windows 10 and Steam. Not sure if I have to unsubscribe CQUI in Steam.

Gitter seems to have been quiet for some time. What is the best place for quick questions?


Using both (Steam and lokal) CQUI versions is a little bit complicated.
I would prefer to unsubscribe the Steam version and install a git-version in civ/mods.

After that is running you can start with your changes.

I too use git instead of the workshop version

As for quick questions, shoot me an email chaorace@gmail.com
I'm looking into maybe moving discussion over to a discord channel to better interact with the community, so that's a possibility in the future

Thanks JHCD and Chris. Unsubstribing steam workshop fixed the issue.