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Support w64devkit

2dpdlja496or43iq opened this issue · comments

w64devkit is based on busybox-w32:

uname -s on busybox-w32 will report Windows_NT, it's a fixed string on Windows so it's easier to support than the dynamic result of uname -s on Cygwin/MSYS2 as they also incorporate Windows version into the strings (so uname -s on MSYS2/Windows 7 will different from uname -s on MSYS2/Windows 10).

This is impossible as w64devkit is not a complete POSIX environment like Cygwin or MSYS2. The busybox-w32 utilities are also not compatible with their GNU counterparts and they are missing many features. This issue could be closed as not planned @ldeniau

I don't use these platforms, propose PR to solve your issue.