CNugteren / CLBlast

Tuned OpenCL BLAS

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Consider add SVM Buffer interface support?

engineer1109 opened this issue · comments

Currently, the interface fot the cl_mem buffer object.
How about the SVM buffer in OpenCL 2.0 ?

I don't have time myself to work on this, but I'm happy to review a pull request.

However, adding a new interface type can be a lot of work, especially if we want to keep the current interface as well. And it means lots of extra code and thus also lots of maintenance. In the past I've started a similar thing, but then for adding image support as input, but never finished it:

How about this interface?

// General matrix-matrix multiplication: SGEMM/DGEMM/CGEMM/ZGEMM/HGEMM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Gemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
                const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
                const T alpha,
                const T* a_buffer, const size_t a_ld,
                const T* b_buffer, const size_t b_ld,
                const T beta,
                T* c_buffer, const size_t c_ld,
                const cl_context context, const cl_device device,
                T* temp_buffer = 0);

offset is not needed and should be set to 0 in the kernel.
The kernel will not change at all.
The host code need to change clSetKernel to clSetKernelSVMPointer

My consider.

Yes, I guess that could work, looks clean indeed. This would then be added into a new header, say clblast_svm.h or so? Or otherwise it would need a suffix to the function name, otherwise other users might get confused and think this is the main interface.

By the way, I'm not so familiar with SVM. What would happen if I just provide a normal C++ float pointer as a_buffer argument? I guess we'll need some error checking inside to make sure that it is an OpenCL SVM buffer?