CNugteren / CLBlast

Tuned OpenCL BLAS

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Compilining and running SGMM freezes

naturalmechanics opened this issue · comments


Hello I am trying to compile this code:

// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
//   Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file demonstrates the use of the SGEMM routine. It is a stand-alone example, but it does
// require the Khronos C++ OpenCL API header file (downloaded by CMake). The example uses C++
// features, but CLBlast can also be used using the regular C-style OpenCL API.
// Note that this example is meant for illustration purposes only. CLBlast provides other programs
// for performance benchmarking ('client_xxxxx') and for correctness testing ('test_xxxxx').
// =================================================================================================

#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>

#define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_1_APIS // to disable deprecation warnings
#define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_2_APIS // to disable deprecation warnings

// Includes the C++ OpenCL API. If not yet available, it can be found here:
#include "/usr/include/CL/opencl.hpp"

// Includes the CLBlast library
#include <clblast.h>

// =================================================================================================

// Example use of the single-precision Xgemm routine SGEMM
int main() {

  // OpenCL platform/device settings
  const auto platform_id = 0;
  const auto device_id = 0;

  // Example SGEMM arguments
  const size_t m = 4;
  const size_t n = 2;
  const size_t k = 8;
  const float alpha = 0.7f;
  const float beta = 1.0f;
  const auto a_ld = k;
  const auto b_ld = n;
  const auto c_ld = n;

  // Initializes the OpenCL platform
  auto platforms = std::vector<cl::Platform>();
  std::cout << "here40" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "here41" << std::endl;
  if (platforms.size() == 0 || platform_id >= platforms.size()) { return 1; }
  std::cout << "here42" << std::endl;
  auto platform = platforms[platform_id];

  // Initializes the OpenCL device
  auto devices = std::vector<cl::Device>();
  platform.getDevices(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, &devices);
  if (devices.size() == 0 || device_id >= devices.size()) { return 1; }
  auto device = devices[device_id];

    std::cout << "here45" << std::endl;

  // Creates the OpenCL context, queue, and an event
  auto device_as_vector = std::vector<cl::Device>{device};
  auto context = cl::Context(device_as_vector);
  auto queue = cl::CommandQueue(context, device);
  auto event = cl_event{nullptr};

  // Populate host matrices with some example data
  auto host_a = std::vector<float>(m*k);
  auto host_b = std::vector<float>(n*k);
  auto host_c = std::vector<float>(m*n);
    std::cout << "here1" << std::endl;
  for (auto &item: host_a) { item = 12.193f; }
  for (auto &item: host_b) { item = -8.199f; }
  for (auto &item: host_c) { item = 0.0f; }
  std::cout << "here2" << std::endl;
  // Copy the matrices to the device
  auto device_a = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, host_a.size()*sizeof(float));
  auto device_b = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, host_b.size()*sizeof(float));
  auto device_c = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, host_c.size()*sizeof(float));
  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(device_a, CL_TRUE, 0, host_a.size()*sizeof(float),;
  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(device_b, CL_TRUE, 0, host_b.size()*sizeof(float),;
  queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(device_c, CL_TRUE, 0, host_c.size()*sizeof(float),;

  // Start the timer
  auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

  // Call the SGEMM routine. Note that the type of alpha and beta (float) determine the precision.
  auto queue_plain = queue();
  std::cout << "here" << std::endl;
  auto status = clblast::Gemm(clblast::Layout::kRowMajor,
                              clblast::Transpose::kNo, clblast::Transpose::kNo,
                              m, n, k,
                              device_a(), 0, a_ld,
                              device_b(), 0, b_ld,
                              device_c(), 0, c_ld,
                              &queue_plain, &event);

  int v = static_cast<int>(status);

  std::cout << v << std::endl;

  if (status == clblast::StatusCode::kSuccess) {
    clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
  auto elapsed_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time;
  auto time_ms = std::chrono::duration<double,std::milli>(elapsed_time).count();

  // Example completed. See "clblast.h" for status codes (0 -> success).
  printf("Completed SGEMM in %.3lf ms with status %d\n", time_ms, static_cast<int>(status));
  return 0;

// =================================================================================================


Compile with g++ cauer2.cpp -o testcauer -lOpenCL -lclblast

The program hangs at : cl::Platform::get(&platforms); . The previous message "here 40" would be printed, and then nothing.

my system :
Linux glassplanet 6.5.9-1-cachyos #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 26 Oct 2023 06:40:39 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Although I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770M, the drivers dont work, so they are blacklisted.

OCL ICD is installed.

ls /etc/OpenCL/vendors returnes:

.rw-r--r-- 59 root 18 Mär 18:45  intel-oneapi-compiler-shared-opencl-cpu.icd

What is wrong? Thank you

Sorry, but if there is a problem with cl::Platform::get then this is not a CLBlast issue and I can't help you. I would first make sure you can get other OpenCL programs working on your system, and then look at CLBlast afterwards.


Ok, thank you

TRY to install clinfo to see if the platform prints out correctly.


I did, even clinfo hanged.
So I resolved that using this:

cd /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
sudo rm -Rf intel-oneapi-compiler-shared-opencl-cpu.icd

Thank oyu