CMahaff / lasim

Move your Lemmy settings from one account to another

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error with Upload to

esmoyer opened this issue · comments

Describe the Bug
Logging this officially from

Download profile from (works great) but go to upload to and get

Logging in as smoysauce
ERROR: Failed Login - HTTP status client error (403 Forbidden) for url (

MFA is disabled for Tried using username as well as email. Password is copied and pasted from password manager which works when auto-filling to login to actual site.

Let me know if you need anything else from me, or need to me test anything, thanks!

LASIM Version: 0.1.0
LASIM Profile Version: v1 (? sorry not sure where this is)
Lemmy Source Instance URL:
Lemmy Source Instance Version: BE: 0.18.1
Lemmy Target Instance URL:
Lemmy Target Instance Version: BE: 0.18.1

Output of LASIM
IMPORTANT: Make sure you do not post your authentication tokens here by accident!

Logging in as smoysauce
ERROR: Failed Login - HTTP status client error (403 Forbidden) for url (

Sorry you are having trouble! I just made an account on - waiting for them to accept, and then I'll see if I run into the same issues.

Sorry you are having trouble! I just made an account on - waiting for them to accept, and then I'll see if I run into the same issues.

No need to be sorry. Could very well be something I'm doing or something with my account. Let me know what you find! Thanks!

Total guess: I wonder if it could be password length? Maybe the UI is bugged and cuts off your password - I'm assuming bitwarden auto-generates some very long passwords.

I could try a shorter one, it's actually the same password I use for .world which works fine but need to change it anyway, so I'll give it a go. It's currently only 21 characters.

EDIT: No luck

Good news: I was finally able to get a account and replicate this behavior.

Bad news: Still don't know why I'm running into this just with and not,, and even - which all work fine.

API doesn't seem to be outright disabled either since I can login to from their Jerboa app and another 3rd party app.

I'll have to keep digging.

Works great now! Thanks for the quick fix!