CMU-INF-DIVA / avi-r

AVI-R Package (formerly DIVA IO): A robust reader for AVI video files

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Assertion Error during enumerate video frames

junpeiz opened this issue · comments

I use video = VideoReader(video_file, fix_missing=False) and try to enumerate frames by
for frame_id, frame in enumerate(video).

But Got the error as shown below:
File "/home/junpeiz/Projects/prop_gen/", line 153, in extract_proposal
for frame_id, frame in enumerate(video):
File "/home/junpeiz/Projects/prop_gen/diva_io/video/", line 65, in iter
yield from self._frame_gen
File "/home/junpeiz/Projects/prop_gen/diva_io/video/", line 222, in _get_frame_gen
assert prev_frame is not None

I also read your source code in and find:

        frame = None
        while frame is None and key_frame_index > 0:
            key_frame_index -= 1
            key_frame_id = self._key_frame_ids[key_frame_index]
            frame = self._decode(key_frame_id)
        prev_frame = frame
        assert prev_frame is not None

May I know in which situation the frame would be None after this while loop?


Could provide the video name causing this issue? I tried your code but did not reproduce the error.

prev_frame could be None if the decode of the nearest key frame fails, but this typically should not happen if you read the video from the beginning.

The video is

I have tested it with the following lines, and found the first frame will raise the error.

>>> video_file = '/mnt/hdd6tb/junpeiz/drop-01-videos/'
>>> for frame_id, frame in enumerate(video):
...     frame.numpy()
...     print(frame_id)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/home/junpeiz/Projects/prop_gen/diva_io/video/", line 65, in iter
yield from self._frame_gen
File "/home/junpeiz/Projects/prop_gen/diva_io/video/", line 222, in _get_frame_gen
assert prev_frame is not None

I also download it to my local computer, and it could not be opened by QuickTime Player. Not sure if it dues to the file itself is broken.

I checked the video and it seemed that the reason was the decode failure at frame 0.

This video file is really weird as it fails when you decode frame 0 for the first time. And all the consecutive frames are not in the correct position.

I just pushed some updates that should work for this video.

The QuickTime Player does not support avi videos. You may use IINA on macOS.