CM2Walki / steamcmd

Minimal image containing Valve's SteamCMD binary:

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Question/help with commands

peterbradford opened this issue · comments

just had a question on what the expected output would look like after running these two commands?

$ docker run -it --name=steamcmd cm2network/steamcmd bash
$ ./ +force_install_dir /home/steam/squad-dedicated +login anonymous +app_update 403240 +quit

because the results i have been getting is this:

[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
[  0%] Downloading update...
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] !!! Fatal Error: Steamcmd needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again.
src/tier0/threadtools.cpp (3645) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'Thread(0x0x581096a0/0x0xf76b3b' 

which hasn't given me very good results on looking into why steamcmd is offline.

i am running as the steam user, dns is set to

i'm unable to ping '' but can ping ''

here's bootstrap_log.txt:

[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Startup - Steam Client launched with: '/home/steam/steamcmd/linux32/steamcmd' '+force_install_dir' '/home/steam/squad-dedicated' '+login' 'anonymous' '+app_update' '403240' '+quit'
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/steam/steamcmd/package/steam_cmd_metrics.bin)
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Failed to load cached hosts file (File 'update_hosts_cached.vdf' not found), using defaults
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] 1., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Checking for update on startup
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Checking for available updates...
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Downloading manifest:
[2023-04-11 17:30:37] Manifest download: send request
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Manifest download: waiting for download to finish
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Manifest download: finished
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Download failed: http error 0 (
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] DownloadManifest - exhausted list of download hosts
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] failed to load manifest from buffer.
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Failed to load manifest
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Error: Download failed: http error 0
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Saving metrics to disk (/home/steam/steamcmd/package/steam_cmd_metrics.bin)
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Error: Failed to determine download location for universe 1
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Verifying installation...
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Performing checksum verification of executable files
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Unable to read and verify install manifest /home/steam/steamcmd/package/steam_cmd_linux.installed
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Verification complete
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Downloading update...
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Checking for available updates...
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Downloading manifest:
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Manifest download: send request
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Manifest download: waiting for download to finish
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Manifest download: finished
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Download failed: http error 0 (
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] DownloadManifest - exhausted list of download hosts
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] failed to load manifest from buffer.
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Failed to load manifest
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Error: Download failed: http error 0
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Saving metrics to disk (/home/steam/steamcmd/package/steam_cmd_metrics.bin)
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Error: Steamcmd needs to be online to update. Please confirm your network connection and try again.
[2023-04-11 17:30:38] Shutdown

and here's stderr.txt:

Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1679680174)/tid(368)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1679680174)/tid(369)
src/tier0/threadtools.cpp (3645) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'Thread(0x0x577146a0/0x0xf7712b'
assert_20230411173039_6.dmp[372]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
assert_20230411173039_6.dmp[372]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no
assert_20230411173039_6.dmp[372]: error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
assert_20230411173039_6.dmp[372]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20230411173039_6.dmp'', upload no: '' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory''
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1679680174)/tid(367)

if possible could someone run this image and then run that command inside the container and show me the results?

You can use -u=0 to start the container using the root user and then install whatever you need to debug.

$ docker run -it -u=0 --name=steamcmd cm2network/steamcmd bash
$ apt update
$ apt install -y iputils-ping

That should help you debug the issue a bit better.

thanks for the quick response, however after pinging, digging '' and '' from within the container i'm getting the same results. interestingly enough if when i dig i get a nxdomain, verified by a nslookup.
dig does return a cname record to but that is another nxdomain.

what i expect to happen is that the ./ +force_install_dir /home/steam/squad-dedicated +login anonymous +app_update 403240 +quit command will be successful in installing squad but it's not. the error messages i'm getting seem like they are caused by domain not existing due to either not being renewed or they messed up with their nameservers.

i don't have any proxies or anything setup, and i ran docker run --rm -it --dns="" -u=0 --name=steamcmd cm2network/steamcmd bash to start my container.

i have previously been able to use steamcmd about 2 months ago, but when I went to try it again from scratch it's giving me these errors.

so i really just need someone to do a sanity check and see if they see the same errors on their machine or not.