CM2Walki / Squad

Dockerfile for automated build of a Squad gameserver:

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Connection - FTP, SSH;

LucyferHW opened this issue · comments


ist there any option to connect via SSH or FTP to the container?

Or is there an option to install any apps (FTP-server, SSH-server, ...) in the container?

Best Regards MHW

There are no preinstalled ways of accessing the container from the outside, since this is a bare-minimum setup of a Squad server. Here are some ways of how you can achieve the desired behavior though:

If only you need to access the server files you can use docker exec -it [name] bash (and then use nano, comes preinstalled with this image). If you need to copy files into the container, you can install wget or curl inside the container or use docker cp [...].

If you need to provide access to another person without giving them access to the host (I use this approach):
Use a bind mount on the host to store the container's game server files, then setup a chroot sftp for the directory. WinSCP and Filezilla both support sftp.

Note: Even though it's possible to install a ftp and/or ssh server inside the container, I wouldn't recommend it, as it will make the container non-interchangeable. Using a bind mount and the host's ssh server (as described above) allows you to redeploy the container without data & configuration loss.

Thanks for help

I will go with the bind mount option, and I will FTP to the directory on the physical disk.