CLIUtils / CLI11

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'usage()' method missing from single header file

tmcayden opened this issue · comments

As referenced in the API docs, usage() is a member of CLI::App that takes a string or function as an input to set a custom "usage" description for your menu. This is defined and declared in in CLI11/include/CLI/App.hpp:978. I found that this method is missing from the single header file. Thus, when attempting to call app.header("header text"); in my program it results in the error: "'class CLI::App' has no member named 'usage'".

The neighboring method in App.hpp to usage() is footer(), which is found on line 6485 in the single header file.usage() should be defined above this, but is missing.

I will take a look, thanks

I verified the usage feature is in the single header file. It looks like that feature was added recently and we forgot to add a marker on the docs indicating it is only available on the latest code. So if you want it update to main. It just isn't in the 2.3.2 release. And the readme was missing an indicator, which I will remedy shortly. Hopefully we can also get a release out soon as well that will include it.