CKolkey / ts-node-action

Neovim Plugin for running functions on nodes.

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Lua toggle_multiline mulfunction

Bekaboo opened this issue · comments

Currently toggle_multiline for Lua cannot wrap a table in one line:


So I can kinda reproduce this. The node-action doesn't add a linebreak, but lua-language-server will do it when it formats the buffer, since the line is now too long. Can you see if the issue still happens after running :LspStop ?

Thanks for your reply, after :LspStop the table can be wrapped into one line, so it is an issue with LSP.

Ahh, ok, I think it's because you are overwriting == with { 'n', '==', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format()<CR>' }, and I use it here to indent the updated lines. Ill try to see if theres a nicer way to apply indentexpr to a range of lines.

Exactly. I would suggest using normal! to force using the defult mapling.