CHollingworth / Lampray

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Modsetting.lsx file not updating with any mods

Eddieddg1 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I do all of the proper steps to deploy, but when I look in
"Lampray/Lamp_Data/Deployment/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/Public/"
and open the 'modsettings.lsx' I get this below. I think that this is what is causing my mods to not work.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<version major="4" minor="2" revision="0" build="100" />
	<region id="ModuleSettings">
		<node id="root">
				<node id="ModOrder">
					<children />
				<node id="Mods">
						<node id="ModuleShortDesc">
							<attribute id="Folder" type="LSString" value="GustavDev" />
							<attribute id="MD5" type="LSString" value="" />
							<attribute id="Name" type="LSString" value="GustavDev" />
							<attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="28ac9ce2-2aba-8cda-b3b5-6e922f71b6b8" />
							<attribute id="Version64" value="36028797018963968" type="int64" />

Error message


To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Follow the wiki guide on how to use Lampray.
  2. Go to "Lampray/Lamp_Data/Deployment/Baldur's Gate 3/PlayerProfiles/Public/"
  3. Click on 'modsettings.lsx'
  4. The output I wrote above.

Expected behaviour

The mods and their load order being written to the 'modsettings.lsx'

System Info (please complete the following information):

  • Arch Linux, Kernel 6.9.3-arch1-1
  • Window Manager: Kwin (x11)
  • Lamp Version: 1.3.2

Same thing on version 1.3.1, 1.3.0, and I did not dare to try the older ones...

I was having the same issue while I was setting up a campaign with my wife. I had to make sure I selected the Mod Type for each mod. It's the 3rd column in the UI. After that it generated a valid modsettings.lsx. Also on an Arch Linux distro.

By default, Mod Type just says "Select Type". My screenshot shows how it should be(dependent on mod, mine are just standard in this scenario) and I left one as "Select Type" just to show what it was originally. Hope this helps!


I did change the type... I may have chosen the wrong mod type on one of them.

I forgot to mention in the original post that, it has no problem with sending the mods to the game mod folder.
A folder I have for all of the mod zips(separate from Lampray and baldurs gate):
The baldurs mod folder:
The reason it says 26 instead of 27 is because one of the "mods" is a dll so it doesnt get placed in the mod folder.

I found the problem...
Above you can see the wrongful configuration that caused my problems. Below you can see the fix.