Rimo contains a series of tools that helps to create a masking.yaml for PIMO.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

performance: generics support

mathisdrn opened this issue · comments

  1. Define Type generic : numeric, text, bool, undefined (being nil value of string).
  2. Load lines of jsonlines till colType is known for every columns, if a colType is undefined : log.warn() + load value as []undefined
  3. Load lines and append to a list of said type.
  4. Use []T throughout construction of MainMetric()
  5. Use []numericT, []textT, []boolT as type signature input of SetTypeMetric()

Scope of impact :

  • performance gain : []interface{} is slow and type assertion v.(type) is used in a lot of functions. Generics will remove this need.
  • typed data : less error