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`!flushlit` fails when path doesn't exist

ngirard opened this issue · comments

I'm experimenting with Pp's literate programming capabilities, and took parts of test/ into the following file:

Literate programming

Lets write and test a useful library:

// This is a C library

// This is a C library

The `fib` function computes Fibonacci's numbers:

int fib(int n);

int fib(int n)
    return (n < 2) ? 1 : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

The `fact` function computes factorial numbers:

!lit{@functionDeclarations}{int fact(int n);}
int fact(int n)
    return (n <= 1) ? 1 : n * fact(n-1);





pp: stack-work/mylib.c: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Is there something I'm doing wrong ?

Incidentally, the error message would be much more useful with an additional line number.

The problem comes from the fact, that pp doesn't create the stack-work directory if it doesn't exist.

This is not the default behavior of the other LP systems I've tried (e.g. Org-mode).

I'd suggest changing the default behavior.

In fact this is intentional. I prefer crashing when a directory is not found instead of saying nothing when a file is created in the wrong misspelled directory.
It's always possible to create a directory explicitly: !sh(mkdir -p some_directory).
The tests documents are meant to be rendered by make which is supposed to (indirectly) create the stack-work directory.