CCurl / S2

A full-featured and interactive stack-based interpreter/VM, implemented in fewer than 100 lines of C code.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


S2 is a full-featured and interactive stack-based interpreter/VM, implemented in fewer than 100 lines of C code.

It was inspired by, and is based on, Sandor Schneider's STABLE program.

S2 supports up to 676 (26*26) function definitions, floating point math, locals, and simple file operations. It also provides 26 registers.

Some Examples

0(this is a comment)
"Hello World!"        0("Hello World!")
:CR10,;               0(define function CR)
10_ 10[n.b]           0(print out numbers from -10 through 10)
#("yes")~("no")       0(print "yes" or "no" depending on TOS)
r1 0fO#(fR{,fR}fC)    0(print the contents of the file named by r1)
123 {#.b1-}           0(count down and print out from 123 to 1)
355e 113e f/ f.       0(floating point - PI)
32 126[n.": "n,CR]    0(print the ascii table)

S2 Reference

*** STACK ***
#  (a--a a)       Duplicate TOS             (DUP)
\  (a b--a)       Drop TOS                  (DROP)
$  (a b--b a)     Swap top 2 stack items    (SWAP)
%  (a b--a b a)   Push 2nd                  (OVER)
_  (a--b)         b: -a                     (NEGATE)
i  (a--b)         b: a+1                    (INCREMENT)
d  (a--b)         b: a-1                    (DECREMENT)

+   (a b--n)      n: a+b
-   (a b--n)      n: a-b
*   (a b--n)      n: a*b
/   (a b--q)      q: a/b
&   (a b--q r)    q:: DIV(a,b), r:MOD(a,b)  (/MOD)
m   (a b--r)      r: MOD(a,b)

0-9e (--n)        n: a floating point number
ff   (a--b)       b: int a converted to float
fi   (a--b)       b: float a converted to int
f+   (a b--n)     n: a+b
f-   (a b--n)     n: a-b
f*   (a b--n)     n: a*b
f/   (a b--q)     q: a/b
f<   (a b--a f)   f: (a < b) ? -1 : 0;
f>   (a b--a f)   f: (a > b) ? -1 : 0;
fs   (a--b)       b: SQRT(a)
ft   (a--b)       b: TANH(a)

b&  (a b--n)      n: a AND b
b|  (a b--n)      n: a OR  b
b^  (a b--n)      n: a XOR b
b~  (a--b)        b: NOT a (ones-complement, e.g - 11001011 => 00110100)

*** MEMORY ***
        USAGE: ints:  [0- 64:stacks][ 65- 90:regs][NUM_FUNCS][locals:100][code/free]
               bytes: [0-259:stacks][260-359:regs][NUM_FUNCS][locals:400][code/free]
@     (a--n)      Fetch INT   n from S2 address a
c@    (a--n)      Fetch BYTE  n from S2 address a
f@    (a--n)      Fetch FLOAT n from S2 address a
!     (n a--)     Store INT   n to S2 address a
c!    (n a--)     Store BYTE  n to S2 address a
f!    (n a--)     Store FLOAT n to S2 address a

*** LOCALS ***
        NOTES: 1) A local name is any single digit, 0-9
               2) Referring to a local pushes its address on the stack.
lX    (--a)       a: address of local #X
l+    (--)        Allocate 10 locals
l-    (--)        De-allocate 10 locals

        NOTE: A register name is a single UPPERCASE character, A-Z.
rX    (--n)       Read value of register X (n)
sX    (n--)       Store (n) in register X
iX    (--)        Increment register X
dX    (--)        Decrement register X

        NOTE: A function name is 2 UPPERCASE characters, AA-ZZ.
:XX;  (--)        Define function XX. Copy chars to (HERE++) until next ';'.
XX    (?--?)      Call function XX.
;     (--)        Return, end function definition.
^     (--)        Early return from function.
        NOTES: 1) When in a WHILE loop, unwind the loop stack first using (xU^).
               2) When in a FOR loop, unwind the loop stack first using (xUxUxU^).

.      (n--)      n: Number to output as a decimal
,      (c--)      c: Character to output
b      (--)       Output a single SPACE (NOTE: b&, b|, b^, and b~ take precedence)
".."   (--)       Output characters until the next '"'.
0..9   (--n)      Scan DECIMAL number n. For multiple numbers, separate them by space (47 33).
        NOTES: 1) To enter a negative number, use '_' (eg - 490_).
               2) If "e" immediately follows the number (eg - 355e), then n is converted to a float.
'x     (--n)      n: the ASCII value of x
`XXX`  (--)       Executes XXX as a shell command (ie - system(xxx))
|XXX|  (A--B)     Copies XXX<NULL> to BYTE address A. B: Next char after the <NULL>
?      (--c)      c: next character from STDIN (0 if EOF)

<     (a b--f)    f: (a <  b) ? -1 : 0;
=     (a b--f)    f: (a == b) ? -1 : 0;
>     (a b--f)    f: (a >  b) ? -1 : 0;
<=    (a b--f)    f: (a <= b) ? -1 : 0;
>=    (a b--f)    f: (a >= b) ? -1 : 0;
~     (a--f)      f: (a == 0) ? -1 : 0;  (Logical NOT)
(     (f--)       IF: if (f != 0), continue into '()', else jump to next ')'.
[     (F T--)     FOR: start a FOR/NEXT loop.
]     (--)        NEXT: increment index (I) and restart loop if (rI <= T).
n     (--n)       n: the index of the current FOR loop iterator.
p     (N--)       Add N to the current FOR loop iterator.
{     (f--f)      BEGIN: if (f == 0) skip to next '}'.
}     (f--f?)     WHILE: if (f != 0) jump to opening '{', else drop f and continue.
e     (A--)       EXECUTE: call function at location A.
xF    (--)        Exit FOR loop: unwind FOR loop stack and skip to the next ']'.
xW    (--)        Exit WHILE loop: unwind WHILE loop stack and skip to the next '}'.
xU    (--)        Remove the top entry from the return/loop stack.
        NOTES: 1) xU can be used with '^' to return from a function while in a loop.
               2) A WHILE loop puts ONE entry on the return stack (e.g: xU^).
               3) A FOR loop puts 3 entries on the return stack  (e.g: xUxUxU^).

*** FILE ***
fO    (a n--f)    OPEN  - n: 0=>READ, else WRITE (usage: "file.txt" 0 fO)
fC    (f--)       CLOSE - f: file handle
fR    (f--f c)    FREAD - f: file handle, c: char read (0 if EOF)
fW    (c f--)     WRITE - f: file handle, c: char to write

*** OTHER ***
0@    (--n)       n: HERE
t     (--n)       n: clock()
q     (--)        Prints the stack
xQ    (--)        Exit S2


A full-featured and interactive stack-based interpreter/VM, implemented in fewer than 100 lines of C code.

License:MIT License


Language:C 96.6%Language:Makefile 3.4%