CANDY-HOUSE / SesameSDK_iOS_with_DemoApp

SesameSDK3.0は、iOS/Android/Embedded向けのBluetooth/AIoT(Internet of Things)ライブラリであり、オープンソース、使いやすく、強力、かつ永続的に無料です。公式のセサミアプリもこのSesameSDKを使用しており、このSDKを用いてあなたのアプリにもセサミアプリが持つ全ての機能を組み込むことができます。

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Where can I download the latest Sesame5 firmware?

LiveSmartDev opened this issue · comments


We are aware that in order to update the firmware of Sesame 5 using the SDK, it is necessary to download the latest firmware from somewhere and update it via BLE.
Thus, would you share download URL of the latest firmware


You'll be able to download it from SESAME Biz very soon. For now, please update firmware using the Sesame app, thank you.


Can you give us a rough idea of when you might be able to share the download link?