CADbloke / CodeLinker

Links code between Visual Studio Projects. Write once, build many

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Is it better to copy some files rather than link them?

CADbloke opened this issue · comments

app.config & AssemblyInfo.cs are a couple of candidates. See also #9 for packages.config which is a really obvious candidate.

Probably but how would I know? Just bloody copy them then.

How? Add the existing item to the project (not as a link) and then re-run Code Linker. BUT if it is already linked in the project then you will have to manually remove it in the Solution Explorer before you can add the real file. Just right-click in Solution Explorer and select "remove"

oh, like things referenced in Resources.resx and that sort of thing. ah, 💩.

<data name="CADbloke_favicon" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
    <value>..\Resources\CADbloke favicon.ico;System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ohai</value>

The path in "Value" is wrong because that file is a linked one in the csproj file. This is painful. Perhaps it's just best to copy all things in the Resources Folder and make that part of the command-line updater too. The linked files will still then work.

That's going to be fricken awesome when I drop a ton of CodeCloned projects into the same folder with a single \Resources\ child folder. f r i c k e n a w e s o m e.

Well, I can't wait to see what WPF breaks. As for X-plat, hhahhaha NO.