C2SP / wycheproof

Project Wycheproof tests crypto libraries against known attacks.

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X448 vectors?

alex opened this issue · comments

Are there any plans to introduce test vectors for x448?

Yes. Some test vectors will be added in the next release. I've also generated separate test vector files for X25519 and X448 using ASN encoding for the keys. This makes it easier to use the test vectors with JCE.

Terrific! ed448 would also be very useful if possible.

The next version 0.6, which is waiting for release adds test vectors for RSA-OAEP, ECDSA with P1363 encoding, XDH (X448 and ASN encoded keys).

Ed448 will be added in version 0.7, together with other schemes using SHA-3. I'm also working on JSON schemas for the test vectors and documentation.

👍 for Ed448 we ended up building our own test to find a signature malleability issue in OpenSSL: openssl/openssl#7706