C2SP / wycheproof

Project Wycheproof tests crypto libraries against known attacks.

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Is there interest for BLS related test vectors?

AnomalRoil opened this issue · comments

This is more of a discussion than an issue, but I'd like to contribute BLS12-381 and BLS signature test vectors, especially serialization related ones, if there is interest for supporting these "newer" curves and algorithms.
However I don't think these are part of BouncyCastle at all.

Is that a blocker or are you welcoming all test-vectors from all kind of algorithms?

I don't know much about the goals and directions of the C2SP project, hence I don't know much about the focus. Anyway, the main criterion for me is whether an algorithm has been described in a rather stable standards-like document.

BouncyCastle support is not necessary for anything. The one nice thing with Java is essentially that the JCE interface allows to write a test once and then run it against multiple providers (of course under the somewhat optimistic assumption that every provider agrees on the interface).