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Pluggable, extensible virtual file system for Go

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Listing a Google Cloud Storage bucket does not return things in the root of the bucket.

aucampia opened this issue · comments

If I use Location.List() (this) on a google cloud storage location which is just a bucket with files directly in the bucket and not in any "folder" it does not find anything.


gsLocation, _ := vfssimple.NewLocation("gs://bucket/")
list, _ := gsLocation.List()
# list will be empty if all objects in the bucket is directly in the root without any folders.

The problem is, as far as I can tell, that the query prefix in this case is /, while files directly in a bucket has no prefix.

Making this change fixes it:

$ git diff vendor/
diff --git a/suggestions-go/vendor/github.com/c2fo/vfs/v5/backend/gs/location.go b/suggestions-go/vendor/github.com/c2fo/vfs/v5/backend/gs/location.go
index 7a0abca..5354ab0 100644
--- a/suggestions-go/vendor/github.com/c2fo/vfs/v5/backend/gs/location.go
+++ b/suggestions-go/vendor/github.com/c2fo/vfs/v5/backend/gs/location.go
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ func (l *Location) ListByPrefix(filenamePrefix string) ([]string, error) {
        if filenamePrefix == "" {
                prefix = utils.EnsureTrailingSlash(prefix)
+       if prefix == "/" {
+               prefix = ""
+       }
        d := path.Dir(prefix)
        q := &storage.Query{
                Delimiter: "/",

There are two options to test this:

Not sure which you would favour, I think both has it's merits and best would be to test with both of these options.