ByteStorage / FlyDB

The high-performance kv storage engine based on bitcask paper made in golang

Repository from Github https://github.comByteStorage/FlyDBRepository from Github https://github.comByteStorage/FlyDB

implement method for FlyDB-Cloud

sjcsjc123 opened this issue · comments


This FlyDB-Cloud needs to add some operations to simulate Docker or Podman commands. If you are interested in cloud native, this is a good issue! You can visit and

// Image is the interface for image operations.
type Image interface {
	// Login logs in to a container registry.
	Login(opts *LoginOptions) error
	// Logout logs out of a container registry.
	Logout(opts *LogoutOptions) error
	// Push pushes an image to a container registry.
	Push(opts *PushOptions) error
	// Pull pulls an image from a container registry.
	Pull(opts *PullOptions) (string, error)
	// Images lists images.
	Images(opts *ImagesOptions) error
	// Run runs an image.
	Run(opts *RunOptions) error
	// Rm removes containers.
	Rm(opts *RmOptions) error
	// Rmi removes images.
	Rmi(opts *RmiOptions) error
	// Tag tags an image.
	Tag(opts *TagOptions) error
	// Inspect inspects an image.
	Inspect(opts *InspectOptions) (*Spec, error)
	// Build builds an image.
	Build(opts *BuildOptions) (string, error)
}, the official document here has an api that can directly operate docker. Do we still need to redefine and implement the interface?


This is for docker. We have another plan for podman. Maybe we can encapsulate the two types of sdks into one method and add an External variable to determine whether it is a docker or a podman.