Rewrite the SnapshotStore component of raft
sjcsjc123 opened this issue · comments
For the purpose of each interface, you can refer to the internal definition of hashicorp/raft
, or refer to some existing implementation methods defined within hashicorp/raft
// snapshot implements raft.SnapshotStore interface
type snapshot struct {
//implement me
func newSnapshot() raft.SnapshotStore {
return &snapshot{}
func (s snapshot) Create(version raft.SnapshotVersion, index, term uint64, configuration raft.Configuration, configurationIndex uint64, trans raft.Transport) (raft.SnapshotSink, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (s snapshot) List() ([]*raft.SnapshotMeta, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")
func (s snapshot) Open(id string) (*raft.SnapshotMeta, io.ReadCloser, error) {
//TODO implement me
panic("implement me")