Google Drive V3 `FileListCall` Missing Data
cloud303-cholden opened this issue · comments
When I do a file list request like below, most of the return values are None
. This didn't seem right, so I tried doing the request manually, and this returned data. Hope this helps!
Bad code
let resp = hub
Bad response
# Sample debug representation of file from response
File { app_properties: None, capabilities: None, content_hints: None, content_restrictions: None, copy_requires_writer_permission: None, created_time: None, description: None, drive_id: Some("drive_id"), explicitly_trashed: None, export_links: None, file_extension: None, folder_color_rgb: None, full_file_extension: None, has_augmented_permissions: None, has_thumbnail: None, head_revision_id: None, icon_link: None, id: Some("id"), image_media_metadata: None, is_app_authorized: None, kind: Some("drive#file"), label_info: None, last_modifying_user: None, link_share_metadata: None, md5_checksum: None, mime_type: Some("application/"), modified_by_me: None, modified_by_me_time: None, modified_time: None, name: Some("name"), original_filename: None, owned_by_me: None, owners: None, parents: None, permission_ids: None, permissions: None, properties: None, quota_bytes_used: None, resource_key: None, sha1_checksum: None, sha256_checksum: None, shared: None, shared_with_me_time: None, sharing_user: None, shortcut_details: None, size: None, spaces: None, starred: None, team_drive_id: Some("drive_id"), thumbnail_link: None, thumbnail_version: None, trashed: None, trashed_time: None, trashing_user: None, version: None, video_media_metadata: None, viewed_by_me: None, viewed_by_me_time: None, viewers_can_copy_content: None, web_content_link: None, web_view_link: None, writers_can_share: None }
Working code
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let mut headers = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new();
format!("Bearer {}", token)
let resp = client.get(format!(
drive_id = "drive_id",
let resp = resp
Thanks for posting! I think it would help to know which version of the code you were using.
Further it would be useful to see which fields had values in the manual request that didn't have them in the response of the generated API. Or alternatively, showing the actual response is better in comparison to showing the expected response.
@Byron My lockfile say the google-drive3
I'm using is 5.0.4+20240227
. Here's the log: debug.log. This shows the serde_json::Value
of one of the files.
And here is the original File
I'm getting from the crate but formatted and with None
's removed:
File {
drive_id: Some("REDACTED"),
id: Some("REDACTED"),
kind: Some("drive#file"),
mime_type: Some("application/"),
name: Some("REDACTED"),
team_drive_id: Some("REDACTED"),
Hope this helps!