Buzut / huge-uploader

JavaScript module to handle huge file uploads by chunking them in the browser. Resumable, fault tolerent, offline aware, mobile ready.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Headers included in byte array at server

hobbeschild opened this issue · comments

My server-side implementation receives the chunks of a ZIP as byte arrays:

public ThingResponse uploadThing(final @Context() ContainerRequestContext p_Context, byte[] p_RawData) {
    return new ThingResponse(p_Context, p_RawData);

I concatenate all the chunks to a single byte array and save it against a business object in an Oracle table.

When I download the ZIP using this code and MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM:

BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(p_OutputStream);

then the resulting ZIP cannot be opened. Looking at it in Notepad++, the new ZIP is almost exactly the same as the original, except that at the top it has this (before the first "PK" of the ZIP bytes):

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="blob"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

If I remove these 3 lines and save then I can open the ZIP fine and it exactly matches the original.

How can I stop it from adding these 3 lines?

They were not added when I uploaded the ZIP file directly, without your code, but some ZIP files are too big so I do need it. (I was doing a JSON post with the byte[] as one property of an object parameter.)

Many thanks.

I have fixed it, by annotating the second parameter with the name of the file parameter!

@FormDataParam("file") byte[] p_RawData