BurntSushi / erd

Translates a plain text description of a relational database schema to a graphical entity-relationship diagram.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Make edges style (dashed/solid) customizable

kukimik opened this issue · comments

The edges in the graph are dashed and this is hardcoded in this line:

, A.Style [A.SItem A.Dashed []] -- easier to read labels, maybe?

Can we make this customizable? I am aware of the Philosophy statement:

I don't intend for erd to have a large feature set with a lot of options for customizing the appearance of ER diagrams.

However, this dashed style may be confusing, because in some ERD notations (e.g. Baker's notation dashed lines have a meaning. In some usecases, like mine, this is a problem.

If this idea gets accepted, I'll be happy to make a PR.

Sure, go ahead. You may look up the related graphviz documentation for the supported types of edges.