Building42 / Specs

Framework specifications for Carthage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

upload-symbols tool is absent, but in cocoapods archive it exists

Igor-Palaguta opened this issue · comments

Hello guys,

Thanks for adding support for Carthage!

But unfortunately fastlane upload_symbols_to_crashlytics does not work. As it expects upload-symbols tool, that is absent in zips.

Cocoapods uses this zip, but in your file we can see:

And really in your these * this upload-symbols tool is missing

Hi Igor, thank you for sharing this.

I see that contains the macOS, iOS and tvOS frameworks. Perhaps the best thing to do for me is to create a Universal folder in the Specs/Carthage folder and place a JSON linking to that zip in there?

Does Crashlytics have the same problem with Fastlane?

Please let me know what you think.

Hello @Zyphrax ,

It would be great if we have also archives like in Cocoapods.


@Igor-Palaguta Could you test this in your Cartfile? And see if it works with Fastlane?

binary ""

This is a temporary link. I'll replace it later on if this works.

Thanks, let me check

Unfortunately it does not work. Looks like Carthage is too smart and it downloads just iOS folder for iOS. And does not download whole folder with upload-symbols tool

Hmmm that's unfortunate.

The Fabric app also contains the upload-symbols tool, it probably doesn't change that often. Can you link to that using Fastlane? Or maybe extract the tool to a Scripts folder in your repository.

The upload_symbols_to_crashlytics command has an argument binary_path, you can use that to override the path of the upload-symbols tool.

It is frustrating that Fabric clings so heavily to CocoaPods.

Yes, looks like to add this tool inside repository is the one variant with Carthage.

Thank you!